Client Berthing System (CBS)

Robotics Automation and Control
Client Berthing System (CBS) (GSC-TOPS-341)
Reliable Berthing Mechanism for Satellite Servicing Spacecraft
Historically, satellites that stop functioning due to depleted propellant, system failures, etc., are decommissioned and replaced with a newly built satellite. However, the cost and logistical complexity of satellite replacement is significant, meaning life extension via in-orbit satellite servicing (e.g., refueling, component repair / replacement) is increasingly desirable. NASA’s Exploration & In-space Services (NExIS) division is at the forefront of satellite servicing technology development, leading the push into an era of more sustainable, affordable, and resilient spaceflight. NeXIS has developed a suite of technologies to enable the production of a satellite servicing spacecraft capable of autonomous rendezvous, docking, and servicing of satellites – including legacy satellites not designed or intended to be serviced. A key component of this suite is the Client Berthing System (CBS), a mechanical subsystem designed to rigidly berth and attach a client spacecraft to a servicing vehicle in-orbit for subsequent servicing.

The Technology
The Client Berthing System (CBS) was originally designed for NASA’s On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing 1 (OSAM-1) spacecraft, which will grapple and refuel the LandSat 7 satellite. After the OSAM-1 spacecraft has rendezvoused with LandSat 7, a robotic arm equipped with a gripper tool will autonomously grapple the satellite’s Marman ring (launch separation ring) and affix it to the CBS in the appropriate refueling position. The CBS is comprised of three posts protruding from the servicing satellite, each with integrated berthing mechanisms, distributed in a radial pattern of 120° along the client’s Marman ring diameter. Each berthing mechanism includes a rotary clamping jaw with a drawdown and radial contact portion. The clamping jaws are actuated by a motor-driven leadscrew and guided by recirculating linear ball bearings. After the servicing spacecraft’s robotic arm has placed the client satellite Marman ring into the CBS berthing box, the clamping jaws simultaneously move radially inward towards the center of the ring. The lead-in features of the jaws exert downward pressure on the ring, driving it towards the jaw palms as the lead-in portion rises over the surface of the ring flange. Once the flange is drawn down such that it contacts the radial clamp surface of the jaws, force is exerted causing the jaws to pivot, driving the underside of the lead-in surfaces into contact with the upper flange surface. As the jaw mechanisms continue to drive, increased axial load squeezes the ring flange between the lead-in-feature and palm of the jaws, stabilizing the connection. At a predetermined load, brakes are engaged, and system motors shut off. A NASA-developed Marman ring location detection system is employed to guide the berthing process. NASA has developed a suite of cutting-edge technologies that can help your business develop robust satellite servicing offerings. For additional information, please see the NASA Satellite Servicing Technologies Available for Licensing link provided.
Concept drawing of the OSAM-1 payload deck (left) approaching a client satellite.
  • Enabling: NASA’s CBS can be used to berth and secure any satellite in-orbit that has a Marman ring (i.e., launch separation ring), allowing for subsequent life extension services or other operations to be performed.
  • Adaptable: The CBS is capable of clamping onto Marman rings of varying diameter sizes, and with multiple cross-sectional profiles.
  • Robust: The CBS motor possesses an integral power-off brake, and the leadscrew features an override interface which can be directly driven by a robotic system in the event of motor failure.
  • Accurate: The CBS includes a Marman ring location detection system that determines when the client satellite Marman ring is in the proper position for clamping.

  • Satellite servicing (e.g., refueling, repair, component replacement)
  • Any use case for which securing a satellite (with Marman ring) in-orbit is required
Technology Details

Robotics Automation and Control
NASA Technology Transfer Portal: Satellite Servicing Technologies Available for Licensing,
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