
Health Medicine and Biotechnology
3D Mineralized Bone Constructs
One of the central objectives of this project was the development and characterization of a 3D mineralized tissue model system in which the effects of mechanical load (e.g., compression loading, tension, vibration, etc.) on the cellular responses of osteoblasts and osteoclasts could be investigated. After introducing mineralization agents to the culture, the constructs take on a bone-like appearance and have a more rigid structure suitable for being tested. Testing of the mineralized constructs confirmed the presence of calcium through a crystalline matrix histochemical stain. The central core is void of necrotic material, instead filled by a crystalline matrix with embedded nucleated cells. Remarkably, the nucleated cells do not express osteoblast markers, indicating differentiation to the in vivo cell type known as the osteocyte. In addition, as is characteristic to native periosteum, osteoclast precursor cells were imaged and proven to naturally arrange as an outer layer of the mineralized bone tissue construct. Development of this model will provide a unique venue for testing proposed countermeasures to space flight-induced bone loss. It will also allow a mechanistic approach in the modulation of cell signaling at the cellular level within the bone matrix. The Development And Characterization Of A Three-Dimensional Tissue Culture Model Of Bone is a technology readiness level (TRL) 6 (system/subsystem prototype demonstrated in a relevant environment). The innovation is now available for your company to license. Please note that NASA does not manufacture products itself for commercial sale.
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