Materials and Coatings

Rapid Fabrication of Boron Nitride Fine Fibers
Polymer derived ceramics (PDCs) refers to ceramic materials formed through the pyrolysis of a pre-ceramic polymer. The use of the PDC process enables the fabrication of complex, lightweight, mechanically robust shapes that are too difficult to machine otherwise. The PDC process also allows for granular control over the chemistry, resulting in better fiber homogeneity and allowing for application-specific tailoring.
NASA’s PDC process to rapidly fabricate multifunctional h-BN nanofibers entails the following steps. First a liquid-based polymer precursor solution containing boron and nitrogen is made. Next, the precursor undergoes a forcespinning process, which causes the solvent to evaporate, leaving behind only polymeric nanofiber preforms. These preforms are then cured via UV exposure or other means to link the polymer chains to one another. Finally, the crosslinked polymers are heat treated under specific conditions to convert the polymer fibers into ceramics.
This NASA innovation offers the ability to make low-cost, layered h-BN fiber mats or weaved fabrics of flexible h-BN from spun yarns at scale. The size of the fibers (> 200 nm) makes them easier to handle and disperse relative to nanotubes or nanosheets and mitigates respiratory hazards. The process offers high yields relative to alternative fabrication processes such as electrospinning. The resulting h-BN nanofibers have a broad range of potential applications and are poised to enable the development of new, multifunctional materials.
Materials and Coatings

Advanced Materials for Electronics Insulation
Many researchers have attempted to use polymer-ceramic composites to improve the thermal and dielectric performance of polymer insulation for high voltage, high temperature electronics. However, using composite materials has been challenging due to manufacturing issues like incomplete mixing, inhomogeneous properties, and void formation. Here, NASA has developed a method of preparing and extruding polymer-ceramic composites that results in high-quality, flexible composite ribbons.
To achieve this, pellets of a thermoplastic (e.g., polyphenylsulfone or PPSU) are coated with an additive then mixed with particles of a ceramic (e.g., boron nitride or BN) as shown in the image below. After mixing the coated polymer with the ceramic particles, the blended material was processed into ribbons or films by twin-screw extrusion. The resulting ribbons are highly flexible, well-mixed, and void free, enabled by the coated additive and by using a particle mixture of micronized BN and nanoparticles of hexagonal BN (hBN).
The polymer-ceramic composite showed tunable dielectric and thermal properties depending on the exact processing method and composite makeup. Compared to the base polymer material, the composite ribbons showed comparable or improved dielectric properties and enhanced thermal conductivity, allowing the composite to be used as electrical insulation in high-power, high-temperature conditions.
The related patent is now available to license. Please note that NASA does not manufacturer products itself for commercial sale.
Materials and Coatings

Innovative Shape Memory Metal Matrix Composites
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are metals that can return to their original shape following thermal input. They are commonly used as functional materials in sensors, actuators, clamping fixtures and release mechanisms across industries. SMAs can suffer from dimensional/thermal instability, creep, and/or low hardness, resulting in alloys with little to no work output in the long term. To combat these deficiencies, NASA has developed a process of incorporating nanoparticles of refractory materials (i.e., carbide, oxide, and nitride materials with high temperature resistance) into the alloys.
Using various processing methods, the nanoparticles can be effectively mixed and dispersed into the metal alloys as shown in the figure below. In these processes the SMA and refractory material powder is mixed and the refractory nanoparticles incorporated through extrusions, melting, or directly used in additive manufacturing to create parts for applications across the aerospace, automotive, marine, or biomedical sectors. The nanoparticle dispersion is a controllable method to strengthen the SMAs, increasing the hardness of the alloys, reducing the impact of creep, and improving the overall dimensional and thermal stability of the alloys.
The related patent is now available to license. Please note that NASA does not manufacture products itself for commercial sale.