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Conductive Carbon Fiber Polymer Composite
The new composite developed by NASA incorporates PGS and CNTs to enhance its thermal conductivity while preserving the mechanical properties of the underlying carbon fiber polymer composite. NASA has also improved the composite manufacturing process to ensure better thermal conductivity not only on the surface, but also through the thickness of the material. This was achieved by adding perforations that enable the additives to spread through the composite. The process for developing this innovative, highly thermally conductive hybrid carbon fiber polymer composite involves several steps. Firstly, a CNT-doped polymer resin is prepared to improve the matrix's thermal conductivity, which is then infused into a carbon fiber fabric. Secondly, PGS is treated to enhance its mechanical interface with the composite. Thirdly, perforation is done on the pyrolytic graphite sheet to improve the thermal conductivity through the thickness of the material by allowing CNT-doped resin to flow and better interlaminar mechanical strength. Finally, the layup of PGS and CNT-CF polymer is optimized. Initial testing of the composite has shown significant increases in thermal conductivity compared to typical carbon fiber composites, with a more than tenfold increase. The composite also has higher thermal conductivity than aluminum alloys, with more than twice the thermal conductivity of the Aluminum 6061 typically used in the aerospace industry. For this new material, NASA has completed a proof-of-concept demonstration and work continues to use the material in a heat exchanger system and further characterize the properties including longevity and radiation impact analysis.
Materials and Coatings
Provided by inventor.
Advanced Materials for Electronics Insulation
Many researchers have attempted to use polymer-ceramic composites to improve the thermal and dielectric performance of polymer insulation for high voltage, high temperature electronics. However, using composite materials has been challenging due to manufacturing issues like incomplete mixing, inhomogeneous properties, and void formation. Here, NASA has developed a method of preparing and extruding polymer-ceramic composites that results in high-quality, flexible composite ribbons. To achieve this, pellets of a thermoplastic (e.g., polyphenylsulfone or PPSU) are coated with an additive then mixed with particles of a ceramic (e.g., boron nitride or BN) as shown in the image below. After mixing the coated polymer with the ceramic particles, the blended material was processed into ribbons or films by twin-screw extrusion. The resulting ribbons are highly flexible, well-mixed, and void free, enabled by the coated additive and by using a particle mixture of micronized BN and nanoparticles of hexagonal BN (hBN). The polymer-ceramic composite showed tunable dielectric and thermal properties depending on the exact processing method and composite makeup. Compared to the base polymer material, the composite ribbons showed comparable or improved dielectric properties and enhanced thermal conductivity, allowing the composite to be used as electrical insulation in high-power, high-temperature conditions. The related patent is now available to license. Please note that NASA does not manufacturer products itself for commercial sale.
materials and coatings
Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
Formation of the inventive polymer composite matrix begins by growing carbon nanotubes directly on a veil substrate. The carbon nanotubes are grown from both sides of a non woven carbon fiber mat. The carbon nanotubes can be single or multi walled and can be grown to predetermined lengths. The veiled substrate is positioned between carbon fiber/ polymer prepreg layers such that the carbon nanotubes protrude into the reinforcement layers. The polymer composite matrix formed following curing of the resin exhibits improved interlaminar strength, fracture toughness and impact resistance. Because of the thinness of the veil layer, electricity can pass from conductive carbon nanotubes on one side of the veil to conductive carbon nanotubes on the other side of the veil. Electricity can also pass between two veils intercalated into the same reinforcement layer when the length of the nanotubes is sufficiently long enough to provide overlap within the reinforcement layers.
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