Virtual Events Archived
Explore a fascinating technology at Kennedy Space Center that produces plasma-activated water in pH ranges that allow for the addition of nitrates and other nutrients while maintaining a healthy pH for plants.
Discover the future of telehealth and automation during our Startup NASA Feature Series with Simpli-Fi Automation. Learn about the company’s evolution since 2018, leveraging NASA-licensed technology, and introducing their groundbreaking “Provectus” sensor chip.
In the next Startup NASA Series virtual event, learn about how the nonprofit Expanding Frontiers is bringing NASA technology to Brownsville, TX, fostering education and mentoring entrepreneurs.
Join us for an exciting opportunity to learn about NASA Glenn Research Center’s work on developing a portable, scalable, and low-cost solution for building optical communications ground receivers.
Mark your calendar for an exciting presentation on the latest advances in self-healing materials technology.
Learn about this breakthrough technology in materials engineering - the synthesis of fiber-metal laminates using radio frequency plasma spray deposition.
Hear about innovative solutions to address space debris during the next Startup NASA Series virtual event with Orbotic Systems
During this live presentation, two novel sensor systems with many potential benefits will be presented.
Join us to learn about this soft, portable, wearable robotic device.
Join us to learn how the University of South Florida has incorporated patented NASA technology into its curriculum.