Damage Simulation Tool For Composite Laminates

Damage Simulation Tool For Composite Laminates (LAR-TOPS-317)
Faster and more detailed composite damage simulation results
This simulation tool is designed for progressive failure simulation in composite laminates. This simulation tool provides accurate results equivalent to those of a high fidelity model without the associated cost and time. In doing this, the tool will generate more rapid results compared to high fidelity modeling, be a viable evaluation method for industry and allow for consideration of more complex problems that exceed the capability of currently available simulation methods within academia. The simulation tool is in the form of a subroutine for an enriched finite element. A user would create a numerical model with the enriched element in an initially low fidelity form. The enriched elements then have the ability to increase fidelity locally to suit an ongoing damage process if necessary.

The Technology
The simulation combines existing fracture mechanics based damage propagation techniques with a discrete approach to modeling discontinuities in finite elements. Additionally, the use of an advanced laminate theory recovers deformation and stress information that would normally require a high fidelity model. To accomplish this, the same theoretic and analytical concepts that a high fidelity numerical simulation tool utilizes for laminate damage simulation are placed in the context of a low fidelity finite element. In taking this approach, a laminate can be modeled as a single layer low fidelity shell mesh that has the ability to locally increase fidelity and represent a delamination based damage process but only if it is determined that one should occur. The numerical simulation tool's performance has been validated against numerical benchmarks as well as experimental data.
delamination A readout of the system showing delaminations at varous interfaces. Image Credit: NASA
  • Viable for manufacturing and industrial users - not just academia
  • Enables faster simulation of low impact fracture damage in composite laminates
  • Expands understanding of low impact fracture damage in composite laminates
  • Enables simulation of more complex problems than currently possible

  • Academic research and development of more damage tolerant composite laminates
  • Industrial design and damage tolerance validation for manufacturing of composite laminate components
Technology Details

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Source: NASA image database
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