Upper Body Robotic Exoskeleton
Robotics Automation and Control
Upper Body Robotic Exoskeleton (MSC-TOPS-85)
Portable device provides upper extremity motor rehabilitation for patients with neurological impairments
Innovators at the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) have developed a soft, wearable, robotic upper limb exoskeleton garment designed to actively control the shoulder and elbow, both positioning the limb in specific orientations and commanding the limb through desired motions. The invention was developed to provide effective upper extremity motor rehabilitation for patients with neurological impairments (e.g., traumatic brain injury, stroke). Due to its portable, battery-compatible design, NASA's garment allows for task-specific and intensive motor practice, an important part of rehabilitation for such patients, to be performed outside clinical environments (including in the home). In addition to upper extremity motor rehabilitation, the technology may also find applications in human performance augmentation, including in future spacesuit designs.
The Technology
NASA's soft, portable, wearable robotic device is "plug and play" - it includes all necessary electronics, actuation, software, and sensors required to achieve augmented limb movement. The garment is designed such that the human-robot interface distributes load across the torso, maximizing user comfort. Donning and doffing is simple, as the device lowers over the head, straps to the torso via Velcro, and possesses adjustable custom arm cuffs. Actuators are housed in the back of the garment, which pull custom conduit-tendon-based systems attached to the limb at optimized locations, causing the joint of interest to move to the specified orientation. Force sensing is employed to enable optimal control of the limb, measuring user-applied force to maintain commanded joint orientations. Integrated electronics and software provide power distribution, safety monitoring, data transfer and data logging.
NASA's garment has multiple modes of operation. In active assist mode, shoulder abduction and flexion, and elbow flexion, may be commanded either simultaneously via coordinated control or individually while holding position/orientation of the other joints. In passive assist mode, the user can freely move the limb while the system provides minimal torque to the shoulder and elbow.
The upper body robotic exoskeleton is at a TRL 6 (system/subsystem prototype demonstration in a relevant environment) and it is now available for your company to license and develop into a commercial product. Please note that NASA does not manufacture products itself for commercial sale.

- Shoulder and elbow positioning: Positions the limb as programmed (e.g., for rehabilitation exercises), capable of isolating shoulder and elbow degrees of freedom
- Portability: Unlike ground-based wearable robotics, the garment can be used outside the clinic, enabling task-oriented therapy (performing functional tasks as opposed to simple prescribed motions)
- Comfort: The soft design utilizes rigid components only when necessary, effectively distributes loads around the torso to eliminate pressure points, and is easy to don and doff
- Multiple control modes: Operators can select how much resistance is applied at the joint and set the device in different modes
- Upper-limb motor rehabilitation
- Assistance with upper-limb activities of daily living
- Human performance augmentation: enhancing human strength and reducing muscle fatigue for industrial and military applications
- Spacesuit designs: providing astronauts with additional strength to accomplish safer, more efficient spacewalks
Technology Details
Robotics Automation and Control
"On the Efficacy of Isolating Shoulder and Elbow Movements with a Soft, Portable, and Wearable Robotic Device," Kadivar Z., Beck C.E., Rovekamp R.N., O'Malley M.K., Joyce C.A. (2017)
Similar Results

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The SRTS configuration discussed above is limited to 180-degree applications. The addition of a third structural arc and a third optical reader, however, would enable 360-degree functionality.
Tests have shown the SRTS has a high degree of tolerance to temperature differences and provides higher resolution measurements than competing technologies.

Space Suit RoboGlove (SSRG)
NASA is currently developing the next generation space suit for future missions, including the optimization of space suit gloves. When non-assisted space suit gloves are coupled to a pressurized suit and operated in a vacuum, they tend to limit the range of motion of an astronaut's hand to as little as 20% of normal range. Many of NASA's future missions will be in challenging environments where an astronaut’s hand dexterity will be critical for the success of NASA missions. Innovators at JSC have improved the performance on the second-generation, robotically assisted SSRG, to reduce exertion and improve the hand strength and dexterity of an astronaut in situ.
The SSRG’s system detects user finger movements using string potentiometers and contact with objects using force-sensitive resistors (FSRs). FSRs are imbedded in the distal and medial phalanges, palmar side of the glove. To move a finger, an actuator pulls a tendon through a Bowden Cable system which transfers mechanical pulling force of an inner cable relative to a hollow outer cable, like the brakes on a bicycle, as seen in the Figure below. An improved controller commands the new, more powerful linear actuator to drive tendon operation while minding custom controller parameters inputted through a digital editor tool.
The Space Suit RoboGlove is at TRL 6 (system/subsystem model or prototype demonstrated in a relevant environment) and it is now available for licensing. Please note that NASA does not manufacture products itself for commercial sale.

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The Foot Pedal Controller technology could be used in designs for the flight deck of the future, video game controls, drone operations and flight simulators. This technology can be useful in any application where it is preferred or desirable to use the feet to control motion rather than using the hands. A potential market could be foot control of equipment by people with arm or hand disabilities. A unique aspect of the innovation is the consideration of natural foot mechanics in the design and placement of the sensors and actuators to reduce operator fatigue. The axes of rotation of the Controller align with the joints of the foot so the foot moves naturally to control the movement of the craft. NASA seeks collaborations with companies interested in licensing and partnering to further develop and commercialize the technology.