LIDAR System Noise Reduction

LIDAR System Noise Reduction (LAR-TOPS-323)
Polarized LIDAR with photon sieve boosts signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
In order to overcome significant noise from solar background and backscatter this LIDAR system utilizes a laser light source that is azimuthally polarized or has Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM). A photon sieve is used to produce a ring pattern on the focal plane corresponding from the light of the return signal and causes stray light that is not polarized to produce a clustered region at the center of the ring pattern that is distinct from the laser return. The photon sieve can be used as the front end lens of a telescope or as an internal optical component after a traditional telescope. This technology can also be employed in encrypted communications and navigation.

The Technology
State of the art space-based LIDARs typically require a telescope with sufficient area to increase the return signal on the detector to levels above the noise floor of the detectors. Two major drivers of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on the detectors are the laser output energy and the round trip distance traveled by the laser signal. The SNR on the detectors can be increased by increasing the telescope reflector area or by decreasing the system noise. If these techniques are not an option, this method can be used to separate stray light from polarized laser light in the LIDAR system and improve the SNR. The method includes generating a beam of azimuthally polarized or OAM light utilizing an optical transmitter comprising a laser light source. The method includes providing an optical receiver including optical sensors at a focal plane with a photon sieve that produces a ring pattern on the focal plane corresponding to a laser return signal. The ring pattern comprises azimuthally polarized or OAM light that is transmitted by the transmitter and reflected towards the receiver. The photon sieve is utilized to cause stray light that is not polarized to cluster centrally, and away from the ring pattern created by the LIDAR signal. This technology could also be used with space based and terrestrial LIDAR for encrypted line of sight communications. The unique revolution frequencies of the LIDAR make any attempt to intercept the communication pointless for those who don&#39t know the specific mode of the source. The lidar system also has use cases for short range navigation for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) vehicles providing input as to whether there is significant enough clear air turbulence on a given path as to be dangerous to an aerial vehicle.
Process of OAM LIDAR from origin to data collection - Image Credit: NASA
  • Significantly reduced detector noise such via solar background and traditional backscatter LIDAR
  • Offers enhanced signal to noise ratio for a given configuration
  • Makes smaller reflector LIDAR and/or systems with greater noise levels viable

  • Remote sensing for autonomous sensing for navigation
  • Provides additional communication security layer for sensitive content
  • Aerosol monitoring of industrial sites
  • Emissions monitoring of vehicles
Technology Details

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Device prototype in use
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