
If you're looking for the most advanced optics technology available, look no further than NASA's extensive portfolio. From high-precision imaging systems to state-of-the-art lasers and optical components, NASA's optics technologies can help revolutionize a wide range of industries and drive the next generation of innovation.
NASA short ice-surveying mission in Antarctica
On-demand, Dynamic Reconfigurable Broadcast Technology for Space Laser Communication
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has developed a configurable phase mirror system that can address likely obstacles in space optical communications. Through using miniature adjustable mirrors and programmed phase delays to diffract a single communication beam, numerous diffracted beams can be sent to other satellites in various directions for communication and tracking. The initial laser beams wave profile can be dynamically regulated through a fast Fourier transform (FFT) so that when it reaches its desired destination, it forms an intended illuminated spot at the target satellite. Since all the diffracted beams share the same phase mirror, the antenna gain needed to broadcast these beams does not require a multiplied aperture.
Device prototype in use
Optical Head-Mounted Display System for Laser Safety Eyewear
The system combines laser goggles with an optical head-mounted display that displays a real-time video camera image of a laser beam. Users are able to visualize the laser beam while his/her eyes are protected. The system also allows for numerous additional features in the optical head mounted display such as digital zoom, overlays of additional information such as power meter data, Bluetooth wireless interface, digital overlays of beam location and others. The system is built on readily available components and can be used with existing laser eyewear. The software converts the color being observed to another color that transmits through the goggles. For example, if a red laser is being used and red-blocking glasses are worn, the software can convert red to blue, which is readily transmitted through the laser eyewear. Similarly, color video can be converted to black-and-white to transmit through the eyewear.
Image from internal NASA presentation developed by inventor and dated May 4, 2020.
Reflection-Reducing Imaging System for Machine Vision Applications
NASAs imaging system is comprised of a small CMOS camera fitted with a C-mount lens affixed to a 3D-printed mount. Light from the high-intensity LED is passed through a lens that both diffuses and collimates the LED output, and this light is coupled onto the cameras optical axis using a 50:50 beam-splitting prism. Use of the collimating/diffusing lens to condition the LED output provides for an illumination source that is of similar diameter to the cameras imaging lens. This is the feature that reduces or eliminates shadows that would otherwise be projected onto the subject plane as a result of refractive index variations in the imaged volume. By coupling the light from the LED unit onto the cameras optical axis, reflections from windows which are often present in wind tunnel facilities to allow for direct views of a test section can be minimized or eliminated when the camera is placed at a small angle of incidence relative to the windows surface. This effect is demonstrated in the image on the bottom left of the page. Eight imaging systems were fabricated and used for capturing background oriented schlieren (BOS) measurements of flow from a heat gun in the 11-by-11-foot test section of the NASA Ames Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (see test setup on right). Two additional camera systems (not pictured) captured photogrammetry measurements.
Front image
Strobing to Mitigate Vibration for Display Legibility
The dominant frequency of the vibration that requires mitigation can be known in advance, measured in real time, or predicted with simulation algorithms. That frequency (or a lower frequency multiplier) is then used to drive the strobing rate of the illumination source. For example, if the vibration frequency is 20 Hz, one could employ a strobe rate of 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, or 20 Hz, depending on which rate the operator finds the least intrusive. The strobed illumination source can be internal or external to the display. Perceptual psychologists have long understood that strobed illumination can freeze moving objects in the visual field. This effect can be used for artistic effect or for technical applications. The present innovation is instead applicable for environments in which the human observer rather than just the viewed object undergoes vibration. Such environments include space, air, land, and sea vehicles, or on foot (e.g., walking or running on the ground or treadmills). The technology itself can be integrated into handheld and fixed display panels, head-mounted displays, and cabin illumination for viewing printed materials.
Nested Focusing Optics for Compact Neutron Sources
Nested Focusing Optics for Compact Neutron Sources
Conventional neutron beam experiments demand high fluxes that can only be obtained at research facilities equipped with a reactor source and neutron optics. However, access to these facilities is limited. The NASA technology uses grazing incidence reflective optics to produce focused beams of neutrons (Figure 1) from compact commercially available sources, resulting in higher flux concentrations. Neutrons are doubly reflected off of a parabolic and hyperbolic mirror at a sufficiently small angle, creating neutron beams that are convergent, divergent, or parallel. Neutron flux can be increased by concentrically nesting mirrors with the same focal length and curvature, resulting in a convergence of multiple neutron beams at a single focal point. The improved flux from the compact source may be used for non-destructive testing, imaging, and materials analysis. The grazing incidence neutron optic mirrors are fabricated using an electroformed nickel replication technique developed by NASA and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Figure 2). A machined aluminum mandrel is super-polished to a surface roughness of 3-4 angstroms root mean square and plated with layers of highly reflective nickel-cobalt alloy. Residual stresses that can cause mirror warping are eliminated by periodically reversing the anode and cathode polarity of the electroplating system, resulting in a deformation-free surface. The fabrication process has been used to produce 0.5 meter and 1.0 meter lenses.
Miniaturized High-Speed Modulated X-Ray Source (MXS)
Miniaturized High-Speed Modulated X-Ray Source (MXS)
The MXS produces electrons by shining UV light from an LED onto a photocathode material such as magnesium. The electrons are then accelerated across several kV and into a chosen target material; deceleration produces X-rays characteristic of the target. The MXS uses an electron multiplier for high X-ray production efficiency. The MXS is more compact, rugged, and power-efficient than standard X-ray sources. It can be manufactured using commercially available components and 3D printed housing, resulting in a low cost to manufacture. Unlike traditional X-ray sources, the MXS does not require a filament or vacuum and cooling systems. Most importantly, enabling rapid and arbitrary modulation allows using X-rays in the time domain, a new dimension to X-ray applications.
Self-Phase-Locked Distributed Gain Laser Architecture
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has developed a laser architecture to coherently combine energy from spatially distributed gain sources. Using a combination of lenslet arrays (to split and combine separate beams) or diffractive optical elements, each source can be phase-matched into an effective single source.
Robotic Refueling Mission 3 (RRM3)
Goddard's Reconfigurable Laser Ranger (GRLR)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has developed a low cost, modular, and flexible space flight laser range finder consisting of optics, electronics, and interfaces for satellite servicing missions (i.e. Restore-L) using customized optics. Built upon previous NASA technologies, the system also consists of a high dynamic range receiver and adjustable laser for a wide range of measurements (i.e. multiples of km to sub-meter).
Video Acuity Measurement System
Video Acuity Measurement System
The Video Acuity metric is designed to provide a unique and meaningful measurement of the quality of a video system. The automated system for measuring video acuity is based on a model of human letter recognition. The Video Acuity measurement system is comprised of a camera and associated optics and sensor, processing elements including digital compression, transmission over an electronic network, and an electronic display for viewing of the display by a human viewer. The quality of a video system impacts the ability of the human viewer to perform public safety tasks, such as reading of automobile license plates, recognition of faces, and recognition of handheld weapons. The Video Acuity metric can accurately measure the effects of sampling, blur, noise, quantization, compression, geometric distortion, and other effects. This is because it does not rely on any particular theoretical model of imaging, but simply measures the performance in a task that incorporates essential aspects of human use of video, notably recognition of patterns and objects. Because the metric is structurally identical to human visual acuity, the numbers that it yields have immediate and concrete meaning. Furthermore, they can be related to the human visual acuity needed to do the task. The Video Acuity measurement system uses different sets of optotypes and uses automated letter recognition to simulate the human observer.
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